Let’s see, today I turn thirty-three.
Getting into this fourth decade of my life has been eventful and more challenging that I expected, if I’m being honest. I’ve spent the last six years of my life dedicated to growing, nourishing, and raising babies. I’ve also had the humbling experience of keeping a home full-time while raising these little people within it. What a double-whamy!
While I know I have a lot more of parenthood ahead of me (like a lifetime of it, haha!), I feel as if I’m beginning to find myself again. Little by little, pieces of me are finding their way back. Or maybe I’m just feeling settled as this new person I am.
Finding Me Again
It’s funny, when you begin your child-rearing years, there is so much preparation for this new human that’s about to enter your life. Books read, blogs skimmed, conversations had with other veteran parents, etc. But all things revolve around the new baby. What’s not considered or discussed a whole heck of a lot, is the other new person that comes of this experience…you, the mother.
I didn’t realize how far from myself I’d feel after having kids. I’ve come to the realization that, for me personally, this decade of my life is a gradual progression and evolution in finding myself again. To feel content and confident in who I am and what I want for my life.
This is a time of in-between really – a great transition of sorts. We’re raising our very own babies, while simultaneously watching our parents dote over their grandchildren, and also take on the duty of caregiver for their own parents. What an odd realization…coming to terms with the fact that life doesn’t last forever after all. That we’re all just a part of this beautifully tragic cycle of life.
A Celebration of Life
Birthdays are a time of celebration for me. I enjoy the anticipation and attention that’s shown to me, and I really just enjoy connecting with all of my favorite people. It’s such a blessing to have another year to make memories with my people. Having said that, I can see how birthdays can come with a bit more baggage as you get older. I hope I always keep a spirit of celebration anyway.
Isn’t that was this is all about when you get down to brass tacks, anyway? Enjoying the people in your life. Making memories together. Enjoying the fruits of your labor.

Just as I think every year will be, this one is going to be one for the books! I’m excited to keep moving forward as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I’m also looking forward to trying new things, seeing new places, and finding myself again, even if it’s different and unfamiliar!
Cheers to year thirty-three!
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