Welcome to My 23 for 2023 List! I started creating a list like this last year, My 22 for 2022 List. New Year’s Resolutions seem a bit too black and white for me, so I found the fluidity of these lists more my style.
Instead of rigid goals, I opt for “aims” that I’d like to focus on in the new year. Some are bite-sized and kind of silly, and some are big and scary to really challenge me. I reviewed my 22 for 2022 list and I was surprised at how well I did in focusing on the things on my list overall.
Sure, there were things I didn’t do great at, but what I took away from the experience is knowing that I made progress in so many areas! And I always like to say, Progress is Progress! Whether you completely crushed something or merely inched towards it, it’s better than nothing at all.
As I reflect on a year, I find myself searching for a new life-mantra or word of the year. Last year, my life mantra was “If not now, when?” This year, I’ve chosen a word.
Word of the Year: DISCIPLINE
I feel like things have settled in the past few months for us. We’re through the newborn phase with our last baby. Our major house renovations are done (for now). And it feels like we’re able to breath again. I don’t think either one of us realized just how much extra weight we’ve been carrying throughout the last few years.
Now it’s time to get reacquainted with discipline in a few key areas of my life. It’s odd, the evolution of discipline once you become a parent. To be honest, since staying home a little more than four years ago, I’ve gradually lost my ability to be self-disciplined.
There just aren’t any rules in stay-at-home-mom-hood. There’s no structure, no routines already built into my days. That has been really challenging for me as a “structure and routine” type of person. My schedule was built-in when I worked outside the home. I had specific times and places to be each day; I had specific time periods throughout my day to focus my attention.
Now, anything goes. And I’ve gradually just drifted further and further away from structuring my day-to-day. I think this naturally happens because little ones are just so unpredictable in the early days. However, as the kids have gotten a bit older and we’re out of the newborn days, I can feel that sense of discipline trying to worm it’s way back into my life. So, I’m trying to get a grip on it and work on self-discipline in 2023.
Here are the areas of my life I’d like to be more disciplined with:
- Daily routines and structure – I’m great at keeping the kids on a very consistent schedule, but I need to weave in my own routines now.
- Regular Vigorous Exercise – prior to having Emmett I was in a great groove going to the gym and getting a good sweat session in. While I like the physical benefits of working out, I’ve come to realize I need regular vigorous exercise more for my mental well-being.
- Being Present – Like so many, I struggle with being present for the life happening right before me. This year, I want to be more disciplined with my phone boundaries, being present with my children, and spending more time in the great outdoors.
This feels like it’s going to be a lot of work. And honestly, it will be. Creating the habits and having the discipline to make these things a permanent part of my lifestyle will take effort. I just know that my life will be so much richer, and that’s what will keep me going.
My 23 for 2023 List
And now for my 23 for 2023 List! I’m surprised how many items I’m keeping as a focus from last year. I’ve taken just a few out, and tweaked others, but last year’s list was great and instead of restarting a whole bunch of things, I want to keep the momentum going!
(in no particular order)
1. Find WAYS to Make My Kids Laugh More
I’ve decided I need to be more child-like. Life is too short, and I’m far too serious with my kids a lot of the time. Why? I don’t know. I think I am trying to hold the line on parenthood and don’t want to let my guard down. haha! And, I’m tired… it’s hard to be funny and have fun when you’re just so sleepy. But, they’re only kids for so long and I want more memories of them laughing at/with me! And, if they’re laughing more, I hope I’m laughing more, too.
2. 30 new blog posts
I absolutely tanked this last year. I had 10 new posts. I’m keep this just the same because I know I can do it. I just need to, you know, DO IT!
3. 2,000 IG followers/Email List Growth/150 Pinterest Followers
I really just want to refocus my efforts on my blog growth. Instagram has become a major time-suck. I really enjoy it, but if I want to actually grow my blog, I need to re-prioritize things. Unfortunately, all of these things are pieces of the bigger, more successful picture, so I need to figure out a better balance between them all. I think these are good aims to help me get there.
4. Vigorous Exercise 3 times a week
I hope to be more active this year, but I know that my overall well-being needs vigorous exercise more regularly to help me function better – mentally, emotionally, physically. I want to get a good sweat session in three times a week, and then lighter exercise 1-2 other times.
5. Read 12 Books
I love to read. Really, I do. But, I am just not consistent about it. I also have a hard time putting a book down once I start, so that causes problems in other aspects of my life. LOL I just want to gain more consistency here and get lost in 12 good books this year! I should also note that this needs to be adult books, I probably read 500 children’s picture books in a year… I need something a big more mature, ya know?!
6. Get INto the Habit of Walking
I love to walk outside. I want to become disciplined in walking more, in all seasons (within reason).
7. Declutter 2023 items from our household
Two years ago I purged 1,000 items from our home. Now that renovations are done, and our storage room is getting full/organized again, I know it’s time to get rid of a ton more! I’m hoping to have a big garage sale this spring to off-load a bunch instead of spending time listing on marketplace. The trick is remembering to track things!
8. One-on-one dates with each kid, each quarter
Now that Emmett is older, I think this is much more doable. I’m keeping this from last year because we weren’t great at it.
9. 1 date with Eric every month
Doing it again! We had some really fun dates last year, and I want to keep that momentum going.
10. Fill our walls with family photos and art that I love (order, frame, and PUT UP!)
I don’t know why this is so hard for me. I think it’s putting holes in the walls for fear that I get measurements wrong. Haha! How silly! I did make progress in this area last year, but I’m keeping it so that I continue the momentum!
11. 3 Family-Focused Trips
I am SO excited for these. We have dubbed this the year-of-family-time since we’re not taking on any new major house projects, and I’m so excited to go on adventures with the kids! A spring break trip is booked, and I hope to do a trip in the summer, and maybe another in the fall or a camping trip or two. We shall see!
12. Figure out better photo/keepsake management and memory keepsakes (photo books? File system for kids items?)
I actually got a good chunk of this one done in 2022 – each kiddo has their own tote for important papers and keepsakes. I want to take that a step further and get our photos organized. Eric is actually getting this one figured out for us by using a hard drive to house all of our photos/videos. This way, we can off-load easily, and then find what we need quickly and efficiently.
I’m excited to maybe start getting yearly photo books printed for each of the kids or maybe a yearly family album?
The only other thing I need to do here is designate another tote to each kid that will house their bulkier, more tangible items. Things like their coming-home outfit, favorite stuffies, etc. This will be really easy to put together, I just need to make it happen.
13. 1,000 hours outside!
So, I’m not sure how this one will go, but I have good intentions of making it happen. I love to follow 1,000 Hours Outside on IG! I need to print out a tracker from 1,000 Hours Outside, so we can get a bit more motivated. We’ll have our work cut out for us here, but we’re all better off spending more time outside than inside.
14. Plant a Cutting Garden
I’ve never been so excited for spring! Since getting most of our landscaping done last year, I’m so excited to see how things look in full bloom in 2023. With that, I’d like to plant a cutting garden in 2023! I think it’ll be fun and new and something I’ve never done.
15. DIY 5 projects by myself
I did this last year, and I’ll do it again this year!
16. Learn something new
I’m really just putting this here because I’m having a brain fart, but it’s always good to learn something new! Can’t wait to see what this is for me. Haha!
17. Save for Phase 2 of House Renovations
This will be our main financial goal for 2023. We have future plans for our home, and we want to be able to cash flow as much as possible. Therefore, we’ve made the decision to take this year off of all major house projects and instead focus on family time and saving for the future.
18. 12 Months, 12 Spaces, $200
I’ve had this idea on my mind for a while now. I’ll make punch lists for 12 areas of our home that are 95% done, and focus on one a month. I’ve given myself a $200 budget to finish that final 5% of tasks to actually finish the space! I’ll be blogging more about this concept, but I think it’ll also provide great content for the blog/IG.
19. Meet with a fellow blogger/IG Friend
I’ve got a few people I need to do this with in 2023. It’s always great to have peers and mentors in your field that you can reach out to, and I hope to build more relationships in-person this year!
20. Practice Daily Routines for Myself
As I mentioned above while discussing my word of the year, I do a great job of giving the kids structure and routine, but I’ve lost it for myself. I want to build my own routines and structure back into my day-to-day living.
21. Try a new recipe each month
Gosh, I really enjoyed this one last year. Looking forward to trying new recipes in 2023!
22. plant a Small Vegetable Garden
We’ve done a garden about every other year here. This year, though, all three kids will be old enough to really take part in the process. So I think we’ve got to give it another go! BUT, one thing I’ve learned is to keep it small, manageable.
23. Invite People INto Our Home MOre Often
We’ve been so deep in the trenches of parenthood and house renovations, and I’ve missed inviting people into our home. Whether it’s family, friends, neighbors, etc. I love having people in my home. I love visiting about life with people. It’s one of life’s greatest gifts to connect and break bread with others, and I hope to have a home that makes people feel welcome and comfortable.
What’s on Your 23 for 2023 List?
Okay, that’s all I’ve got for my 23 for 2023 list! I’m excited about these things, and I think that’s something else that’s different than setting rigid resolutions. Shouldn’t you look forward to working on your goals? Shouldn’t life be more about fun and connection than meeting standards and expectations that others have for you. I think the thought of growing and learning more about yourself should be exciting, not draining. I hope whatever you aim to do in 2023 excites you and brings you joy! Cheers!
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