I’m not one to create resolutions each year, but I’ve seen these 22 for 2022 lists trending on Instagram recently and I was intrigued. (I believe Gretchen Rubin first penned the concept and it’s taken off from there.) I’ve had a lot of fun putting together my 22 for 2022 list! #22for2022
Since I started staying home three years ago, I’ve gradually begun to struggle with self-discipline and productivity. As it turns out, I am my father’s daughter and I really like having structure and routine – something that is hard to come by when you are raising three children under five.
I’ve realized that working outside the home provided much more for me than just clocking in from 9 to 5 every day. And that’s okay! I’ve learned so much about myself on this journey – some good and some bad – and continue to figure out what brings me joy and contentment in this season of my life. The overall theme for me as a stay-at-home mom is that finding any sort of balance will be my biggest challenge, hands down.
Why a 22 for 2022 List?
Instead of giving myself concrete goals to achieve, I thought a softer approach would be helpful in getting me back on track. After all, I’m still very much in the trenches of motherhood, and raising babies is my ultimate priority right now. I want to embrace that more, and really build a strong foundation as a family unit.
I’ve created my 22 for 2022 list as something to strive for. Each goal is relatively easy to accomplish, but I think having them in writing (and now published for all to see!haha) will help to remind me of what my priorities are this year. My list is pretty well-rounded, touching on just about every aspect of my life.
I’ve chosen to focus on areas of my life that need a little TLC right now – our marriage, my health and well-being, quality family time, continuing to make the house our home, and working towards a few financial goals we have.
I’m excited to see what I/we can get accomplished this year!
Mantra for the Year
I’ve use a “Word of the Year” in the past, but this year, I’m using a mantra instead:
“If not now, when?“
This quote has been on my mind lately, and I think it’ll be the perfect reminder for me to stop putting things off and just start. It applies to so many things in my life, and I’m hopeful that it will motivate me to simply… begin.
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My 22 for 2022 List
(in no particular order)
1. Find reasons to laugh more!
I don’t know about you, but adulting and parenting are hard. I’ve had the realization that I don’t laugh much anymore, and that is just no way to live. So, I’m going to find reasons to laugh more this year.
2. 30 new blog posts
Looks like I’m off to a good start here… ha!
3. 1,000 IG followers
Really, I just want to grow my blog following overall. But this is a goal that’s taken far too long for me to attain, so I’m starting there.
4. Start working out again
I’m giving myself the time and grace this postpartum to get back to the gym. That being said, I’m really excited to get back to working out and taking better physical care of my body!
5. 3 – 32oz water every day
I believe just writing this one down will manifest into reality. I drink a lot of water anyway, but having this on paper will hopefully keep it top of mind for me daily. I’m simply using 32oz. because that’s the size of my daily water bottle.
6. Salad as a meal 4x per week (or more)
We love a good salad, but I really stink at making it a meal on a consistent basis. So, this is what I’m striving for this year.
7. Declutter 2022 items from our household
Ohhhhh man! This one might be hard to accomplish. I did a 1,000 item declutter challenge last year through Let’s Live and Learn. I figured I better give the 2,022 item declutter challenge a shot this year. I just got rid of a ton of baby clothes and items by donating to a family in need – off to a good start!
8. One-on-one dates with each kid, each quarter
I’ve always loved this concept, but haven’t put it into action. When we have done these with our kids, we always reap the rewards afterward. Better behavior, renewed bond, fantastic memories! This is the year we make it happen.
9. 1 date with Eric every month
As parents of young kids, this is really difficult to make happen. But, because we are parents of young kids, this is really important to prioritize. Marriage comes first – it’s what started this family, and it’s what will be left when our kids have flown the coop.
10. Fill our walls with family photos and art that I love (order, frame, and PUT UP!)
Gah! We have nothing on our walls. Everything came down with our renovation, and I haven’t figured out what and where to put things back up. I really, really want our walls to be warm and cozy, but I really struggle with choosing photos and then finishing the project. Does anyone else get analysis paralysis or decision fatigue when picking photos? ugh. And don’t even get me started on picking out frames. ha!
11. 3 camping trips as a family
We dipped our toes in the camping arena last summer. We loved it (for the most part, ha!). We’ve got a few things to fix on the camper, but we’re all excited to hit the road and explore Iowa more this year.
While Emmett is still so little, we’re going to wait another year for a big road trip. Since we’re new to the camping game, I’m choosing three new campgrounds to visit, each one taking us a bit farther from home.
12. Figure out better photo/keepsake management and memory keepsakes (photo books? File system for kids items?)
This one is really getting away from me, so I’ve added it to the list to tackle this year. I believe I know which filing system I’m going to use for the keepsakes (the current system is already too small!), I just need to pull the trigger on it and get.it.done.
13. 1 hour outside every day!
Another big one that may be hard to accomplish on a daily basis, but keeping it top of mind will help push me I think!
14. Plan and start landscaping projects
So excited to start on this! It’s time to stop pinning and start doing!
15. DIY 5 projects by myself
I’m excited and also a bit nervous about this one. I’m definitely not at a loss for things I’d like to do/create, but man, doing things for the first time is kinda scary!
16. Make $500 on Facebook Marketplace
I didn’t keep good track of how much I made last year on marketplace, so I’m hoping to do better this year! I enjoy the challenge of selling on marketplace, and I also love the thrill of the hunt when buying off marketplace! This is also a very small way I can offset some household expenses, and that makes me feel good.
17. Start debt snowball again
It’s been a couple of years since we’ve been debt-free (except for mortgage), and we’re both itching to knock a couple of things off by using the debt snowball again!
18. Make punch lists for each room in home and prioritize how to get things done!
Oh boy. This one is going to be good to clear some of my mental energy, but it’s going to get overwhelming quick I think. I hope that by laying everything out in lists room by room once and for all, we’ll be able to focus in and complete spaces.
19. Meet with a fellow blogger to learn more and build a relationship/friendship
I definitely think this would be so beneficial for me, and I’m looking forward to making a more concerted effort in this area.
20. Get back into a routine each day to be more productive – start by getting ready! (Top 3)
Holy buckets. Between COVID life, being a SAHM, and having another baby, I have really fallen off track in this department. Prior to getting pregnant with E, I was in a pretty good groove with my older two. I’d like to get back there this year.
If there is one thing I’ve learned about myself since staying home, it’s that I am a person who thrives on structure and routine. Being a stay-at-home parent has obliterated this for me. LOL!
21. Try a new recipe each month!
I just kind of threw this on here… but I think it’ll be really good for me! I really enjoy cooking for my family and visitors, but rarely have the time (especially time to try a new recipe). I’m looking forward to making the time for this (fingers crossed).
22. Start a couples journal again
This is another thing I’d like to work back into our daily lives so that Eric and I can have a (brief) moment of connection each day. We started this prior to having kids early in our marriage. It’s fun to see each other’s answers and spark some conversation outside of our family life.
We started out with this couples journal, but I’m going to order either this adventure one or this one to try this year. I love these three-year journals. They are really fun to see the answers year after year, and I think it’s a fun family keepsake. I just saw this one for kids that I’m considering, as well as this journal for Moms!
Are you doing a 22 for 2022 List?
I’m so excited to see these things come to fruition in my life this year. I feel like the past couple of years have damped my spirit in many ways. This list has reignited my interest in pursuing the very best life for myself and my family!
Are you doing a 22 for 2022 list? If so, I’d love to hear some of the things on it… just comment below to share!
Want to create your own 22 for 2022 List?! You can get the fillable PDF version of the 22 for 2022 List that Gretchen Rubin created here. You can also use the hashtag #22for 2022 to find others’ lists on Instagram, and so that people can see yours!
Whether you make a list, set specific goals, have a Word of the Year, or a Mantra of the Year, I hope we all just have a really great year with the people we love most and doing the things that really feed our souls.
To the chaos!
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