January House to Home Project: Boys Shared Room Refresh
I am so excited about our January House to Home Project! We’re tackling the Boys’ Shared Room this month and I can’t wait to give this space a much needed refresh! And I know, I know. I’m writing this with only five days left in the month. LOL I have a plan…and it involves recruiting help from Eric and getting childcare!
As you may recall, the point of my 2023 House to Home Projects is to take things one month at a time, focusing on a singular space, and getting that final 5% of projects done for just $200! Since the completion of major house projects done with our extensive house renovation, we’re now feeling more settled and ready to take on small projects that have been left unfinished because, well, we’re tired!
The boys’ room was the first space to be put back together after our renovations began, so we didn’t put a ton of effort into making it pretty. This bedroom has evolved so much as our family has grown, but now it’s in it’s final state: the boys’ shared bedroom! I’ve been dreaming up what I want this space to look and feel like for quite some time. I’ve collected items I want to use, and now it’s time to take action and see it all come to fruition (the best part)!
Punch List for Boys’ Room Refresh
Here’s what needs to be done for this project:
- Fill nail holes on trim with wood filler, sand
- Paint trim
- Install wall treatment (thinking bead board or a chair rail of sorts)
- Paint walls
- Reorganize IKEA Boaxel Closet
- Deep Clean
- Accessorize!
Boys’ Room Refresh Mood Board
Here are some photos I’ve taken to gather my ideas on colors, accessories, and style of the room. I’m going for high contrast, mid-century-modern meets traditional, and a touch of whimsy for my boys!
I love these Norman Rockwell prints! I’m hoping to get one or two more and then I’ll frame them. These pillows are actually from our bedroom, but I brought them in because I think they work well in here, too!
I’m leaning towards Tricorn Black for the boys’ room refresh…it’s a color i’ve been wanting to use, and I think the aesthetic will be on point with the other features of the room. We’ll see what we think once something is on the wall!
Boys’ Room Refresh Before Photos
There’s nothing better than a good before and after, right? Here are a few before photos of the space… as you can see I did not go out of my way to make it look pretty. LOL I can’t wait to bring a lot more function into this space, all while making it look and feel so much more fun and boy-ish! The current walls are agreeable gray by Sherwin Williams. I love this gray, but am ready for something different in here.
I bought these name banners from Etsy for each of the kids for Christmas, and I love how they turned out! My initial vision for the room starts with these.
I love using the IKEA Boaxel Closet System, especially for kids’ closets. Now that both boys are in this space for good, I plan to readjust the closet system to better serve both boys!
January House to Home Project: Boys’ Shared Room Refresh Budget
Each month, we’ll be focusing on a different space to refresh and “finish” up. I’ve challenged myself with a $200 budget. By setting a smaller budget, I limit myself in what I can do, which will greatly help my decision-making, time spent working, and complexity of work to be done – ALL good things in this instance. We don’t have a lot of time on our hands, and we don’t want to spend what little time we do have on extensive diy projects. Having a slimmer budget will also force me to get a bit creative, which will be fun (maybe?)!
One of our goals this year is to focus on family time since we’ve dedicated so much time and money in the past couple of years to our house renovations. I’m excited to tackle little projects that will make a big impact on our home feeling “done”, but I’m even more excited to have the time and resources to spend quality time with my little fam.
Will You Join Me?
I would love to have you follow along this year on our House to Home Projects, but my hope is that you find a bit of inspiration to tackle a few nagging projects of your own! I challenge you to take action this year! Turn your house into your home one little project at a time.
This Boys’ Shared Room Refresh looks to be the most extensive our projects will get for the year. I hope you find out just how little you need to do to make a big impact on your spaces feeling “done”. Stay tuned and follow along on Instagram and Facebook!
Check back soon for the reveal, and follow my IG stories for more “in-the-process” of this project!
To the Chaos!
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