Thanks so much for your interest in the Master Shopping List – the Key to Household Management! You’re thisclose to upping your Domestic Goddess (or God) game. Look at you go! Get your hands on your very own Master Shopping List (MSL) by filling out the form below. It’ll land in your inbox in a jiffy!
How the Master Shopping List Works
Once you fill out the form below, you’ll receive a link in your email inbox to download the MSL file. Please note that this is a “View Only” version of the MSL. Please make a copy and save it for yourself so that you can personalize and customize the list(s) for your household.
Making the Master Shopping List Your Own
- Download and *save* to your device – rename it whatever you’d like!
- Begin by adding every item you currently have in your house (besides clothing items or items that aren’t purchased regularly) to the respective categories on the MSL. This is now your Master Shopping List.
- It’s even more helpful if you list everything out to start, just to get it down on paper. Then, you can select all and sort A to Z for that selection and it’ll be alphabetized – super handy!
- Then, each month (or whenever you shop), you’ll print off a copy of your MSL and only highlight the items that need to be purchased.
- Take your MSL to the store with you (I keep mine on a handy clipboard like this) and purchase items that are highlighted. Ta-da, you did it!
- You’ll likely need to add/remove items as your MSL evolves over time. That is okay! Make changes as you need to.
If you’d like to reference more information about how I use my MSL in conjunction with my Monthly Shopping Trip (MST), take a look at my posts on the topic here:
Master Shopping List – The Key to Household Management
All of this information will also be included in the email that you receive when you fill out the form above. I hope this helps to take some of the mental load off your shoulders so that you can use your energy elsewhere! It’s definitely helped me get a handle on shopping and managing our home.
If you have any questions, please reach out to me!
To the Chaos!